Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I see a place where nothing exists…

Well nothing except you

and me!

and a large feather bed that engulfs us when we sleep. And all we have to do is close our eyes and its like were swimming in an ocean of feathers.

- Hold up hold up hold up. I thought you said nothing existed in this place.

Youre right, nothing did until you came along.

I think too, maybe there is a table next to our ocean bed of feathers, and on it is the smallest player piano you can imagine.

- how can there first be nothing and now suddenly theres everything

well now I feel free to invent things
And imagine things
And make things fly if I want to

Would you like to fly?

leashes, for who??


some very sad cats

kinky sexual interludes

and children?

park memory number 789:
an extremely stylish couple seen walking their very beautiful, and expensive, designer dog on a leash. only a few steps behind, an equally stylish couple walking their equally beautiful, expensive, and probably designer, child on a leash.

only difference, the childs leash was poorly disguised with some sort of animal back pack. (as if the kid wouldnt know??)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

what a wonderful night

actually she thought this night sucks. there is no grass to play on and the snow has come too early.

snow always comes early nowadays, hello have you ever heard of global warming. i suppose you dont believe in global warming, do you?

hmm "ive never thought about it", she said out loud in a tone that made the man feel a little awkard, like perhaps she thought he was hard of hearing. "ive alwyas just waited patiently for fall and then hoped that winter would never come, do you think this global warming will make winter stop forever?"

defeated the man said "probably"

well then, i have decided. i like global warming. without winter i can sit out all year long and let the sun dry my toe nail polish. the choices for my color schemes will be endless. and i wont ever have to worry about knitting another god foresaken sweater, perhaps ill just burn them and roast a chicken for dinner over the flames.


you can come over for dinner if you'd like, and ill paint your fingernails to match your toes

no, but thank you