Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I see a place where nothing exists…

Well nothing except you

and me!

and a large feather bed that engulfs us when we sleep. And all we have to do is close our eyes and its like were swimming in an ocean of feathers.

- Hold up hold up hold up. I thought you said nothing existed in this place.

Youre right, nothing did until you came along.

I think too, maybe there is a table next to our ocean bed of feathers, and on it is the smallest player piano you can imagine.

- how can there first be nothing and now suddenly theres everything

well now I feel free to invent things
And imagine things
And make things fly if I want to

Would you like to fly?

1 comment:

elfro said...

I would definitely like to fly. Especially since the sky looks like bubble gum.